Bowen Therapy
It consists of a treatment with very gentle movements but with very deep effects at the level of the nervous system, Bowen therapy produces a deep feeling of relaxation and well being, promoting a fast and lasting relief from pain.
Following a given series of manipulations very simple and very accurate, the Bowen therapist performs the movements, about specific locations-muscles, tendons, ligaments or fascia – that lead to rebalancing the body and, consequently, to the process of self-healing.
This therapy was created and developed by Mr. Thomas Ambrose Bowen (1916-1982), in the years 50/60, in Australia.
Bowen therapy is suitable for all ages and clinical situations, since they are carried out very soft movements. For this reason it is also considered one of the safest existing therapies being adapted and personalized to each person and case specific. The application of the technique of Bowen has demonstrated high efficiency in many diseases, such as:
Acupuncture Traditional is based on the ancient Chinese theories about the flow of Qi (energy) and Xue ( blood ) through meridians or specific channels covering the body similarly to nerves, arteries and veins and internally bind to all organs and tissues.
Thus, acupuncture stimulates good circulation of various types of organic energy, distributing them throughout the body , regulating and restoring the harmonious balance of body energy , thereby contributing to the well-being and quality of life.
Anxiety, Insomnia , Depression, Stress , Panic;
Back pain – Sciatica , Cervical and Lumbar;
Muscle pain of Fibromyalgia many diseases , low back pain , tendinitis;
Headaches / Migraines;
Arthritis , Tendonitis , hernias and rheumatoid arthritis;
Stomach pains, gastritis , abdominal pain , hemorrhoids , cramps , diabetes , etc.
Infertility , Menstrual Pain , Sexual Impotence, premature ejaculation , frigidity , etc.
Flu, asthma , sinusitis , rhinitis , bronchitis , pharyngitis , etc.
Sequels of A.V.C. ( Stroke ) , paralysis , hemiplegia , paraplegia , quadriplegia , facial palsy, spinal cord injury sequelae , cerebral palsy, etc.
Complement the Oncological Treatment – Reduces the side effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy .
Rua de Itália Nº1, 1st Floor, Fraction 7, (Quinta de São Gonçalo), 2775-407 Carcavelos
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